Fair Representation in Redistricting Action
Fair Representation in Redistricting & Fair Representation in Redistricting Action
Funders can support the fight for fair districts for traditionally underrepresented communities through either Fair Representation in Redistricting (FRR) or Fair Representation in Redistricting Action (FRR Action).
FRR is a hosted project of New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity, and supports activities including community organizing, public education, and litigation. FRR Action is a separate project hosted by North Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, and provides resources to ensure that our partners are able to use the broadest possible range of strategies, including lobbying, in service of their goals to secure fair maps that accurately reflect their communities. Neither FRR nor FRR Action supports or opposes candidates for office.
Funders interested in learning more about FRR Action or receiving occasional email updates, please share your email here:
To contact FRR Action, please email info@frraction.org.