
  • Fair Representation in Redistricting

Redistricting Issues Likely Emerging in 2024

As we enter the 2024 election year, more and more focus will center on ensuring fair elections – addressing voter protection, political violence, disinformation, and voter engagement strategies.  Philanthropy will no doubt play an important role.  Perhaps less widely appreciated, but no less significant, is that two other pillars that support a multiracial democracy – […]Click to read Redistricting Issues Likely Emerging in 2024
  • Redistricting Data Hub

Redistricting Data Hub – Reports on Statewide Prison Gerrymandering and Reform Efforts

All legislative districts – congressional, state legislative, and local – must comply with the fundamental principle of “one person, one vote.” This is achieved by drawing districts with relatively equal populations, using data from the US Census Bureau. But this principle is undermined by the practice of prison gerrymandering, which arises because of the way […]Click to read Redistricting Data Hub – Reports on Statewide Prison Gerrymandering and Reform Efforts
  • Fair Representation in Redistricting
New Report on Philanthropy and Fair Districts

New Report on Philanthropy and Fair Districts

Reimagining Redistricting: How Philanthropy Invested in Fairer Maps, Community Engagement, and Racial Equity during the 2021 – 22 Redistricting Cycle, a new report by Bill Woodwell, tells the story of how the Fair Representation in Redistricting (FRR) collaborative formed, what participants learned, and how the FRR community’s efforts fundamentally changed the way that philanthropy engages […]Click to read New Report on Philanthropy and Fair Districts